Bellabeat project

Bellabeat Project

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The Bellabeat Project is a completed study using the R language to evaluate, validate, clean, analyze and visualize the open FitBit Fitness Tracker Data (CC0: Public Domain, dataset made available through Mobius) and with top high-level content recommendations based on the analysis.
The study is designed in Notebook on Kaggle.
The project used packages "tidyverse", "here", "skimr", "janitor" and libraries tidyverse, lubridate, "here", "skimr", "janitor", ggplot2.
The study was conducted for Bellabeat, a small, successful high-tech women's health company with the potential to become a bigger player in the global smart device market.
Business task:
With the help of data analysis on the suitability of smart devices, open new opportunities for the development of the company. It was necessary to analyze smart device usage data to gain insight into how consumers use non-Bellabeat smart devices and then focus on one of the Bellabeat Leaf products: the classic Bellabeat health tracker that can be worn as a bracelet, necklace or clip The Leaf tracker connects to the Bellabeat app to track activity, sleep and stress. This information helped define the company's marketing strategy.

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